
a minimalist Jekyll theme

What is Jeykll?

This post is copied from Trio and is used as a filler.

Jekyll is a system to create blog-aware, static web pages. Jekyll integrates nicely with GitHub Pages.

Using Jekyll, you can quickly create blog posts using Markdown instead of HTML (in fact, you can still use HTML is you’d like). All you need is a text editor, a terminal (or a Git GUI software like GitHub Desktop) and a web browser.

If you are comfortable with some terminal work, checkout Jekyll Quickstart. If not, you may want to look at GitHub Pages Automatic Generator and these no-command-line instructions.

This post might help with a more in-depth understanding of how Liquid tags, Markdown and HTML are mixed together.


The URL to this blog post depends on the YAML field date. Do not change the date after you publish this post. Use the YAML field update_date instead.